Wouldn’t it be great if pastors and parishes could spend less time fundraising and more time ministering to their parishioners and the lost sheep?
Our parishes provide us with a place to assemble, where faith-filled Catholics worship together with a strong sense of community. The ongoing financial needs of the parish are great. Funds are needed to create, sustain and grow parish ministries, to provide essential services, and for maintenance and development of the parish infrastructure. Endowment support helps assure that our parishes will be sustained and thrive for generations to come. Over time, parish endowments can help reduce the amount of time our parishes are required to conduct fundraising campaigns, while allowing them to spend more time creating and supporting essential parish ministries.
Catholic Education
Wouldn’t it be great if every child had the opportunity to receive a Catholic education?
Funds designated for Catholic education provide many opportunities for young Catholic students to be able to attend our Catholic schools through tuition assistance programs, and they support our Catholic schools’ ability to attract and retain outstanding Catholic school administrative and classroom leaders to teach our children. Catholic education provides a great opportunity for Catholic children to develop and grow in their Catholic faith, while also attaining the integrated knowledge and skills needed to help them grow into responsible global citizens as disciples of Christ.
Wouldn’t it be great if those called to the priesthood and religious life were supported throughout their journey?
Ongoing support for the seminary, religious life, holy orders and for our retired religious is a critical function of the Catholic Church. Now, more than ever, it is important that young Catholics hear and react positively to the call of God to prepare for and enter religious life. Our Catholic future depends on it. It is also important that faithful Catholics support the needs of our retired religious, so that they are able to maintain a high quality of life and live out their retirement with the dignity they’ve earned and deserve.
Social Services
Wouldn’t it be great if ministries could focus on the outreach of their programs in our communities?
The Catholic Community Foundation of San Diego supports all Catholic 501(c)(3) organizations through its pass-through funds and endowments. We also support other 501(c)(3) organizations, so long as they do not conflict with Catholic values.